Water, Water, Everywhere!

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Water, Water, Everywhere || amylovesit.comWater. One of my goals this year is to consistently drink more water.

Water is important because it helps flush (haha) waste from our bodies.

I’m currently doing a mild cleanse, and the water intake recommended to make sure everything stays running smoothly is 96 oz a day!

I had been trying to get half my body weight in ounces before, and was kind of failing. Sometimes I had it, sometimes I didn’t.

When I increased my intake to 96 oz, I found it was easier than the amount I was currently trying to get! (What?!?!) In fact, that first day I accidentally drank about 110 oz.

I realized the more water I drank, the more I craved it.

I’ve also been trying to drink less with my meals and more the hours before and after. I’m also hitting my intake well before bedtime. I use a 30 oz Yeti cup and fill it to the tippy top with water three and a half times a day. I usual try to save that last half for the time after supper and before bed.

My best advice to get your water intake really rolling is to drink a significant portion of your goal as soon as you wake up in the morning. I drink one Yeti-full, or very close to it, before I drink my coffee, as soon as I can after waking up. The days I do that, I easily hit my goal.

Don’t love water? Add some Vitality oils to your water to make it tasty! Orange is my favorite. Lemon, Grapefruit, Tangerine, Lime… and more! Not into oils but want your water to have some “taste”? Squeeze some lemon or orange into your glass. Also… you can create fruit-infused water! Simply add your favorite fruit (I love strawberry and kiwi) to a pitcher and fill with water. There are special pitchers that hold the fruit so it doesn’t get too “messy,” but I just use a regular one.

Bonuses for drinking water are more energy, clearer head, clearer skin, and a happier digestive system.

Do you have water goals for this year?


  1. says

    That does sound like a lot of water but I’m sure I’m often dehydrated. I’m trying to run 5 miles a day at the moment and really do need to start drinking more water. At the moment most of my fluids come from tea which is too much caffeine. Love your blog and thanks for the tip!

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