Faith & Finance: Using Resources Wisely

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His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’
Matthew 25:21–28

In this parable as told by Jesus himself, a master is addressing his servants whom he entrusted with different values of “talents”, or money while on a journey. There is so much wisdom to be gained from this story, I encourage you to read the entire chapter.

Perhaps most notably, is the reminder that each individual has been entrusted with different resources – resources of time, abilities and resources of material wealth. Everything we have comes from God and belongs to Him. We have a choice each and every day – do we invest those resources to further the Kingdom? Or are they “hidden in the ground”?

As Christians, we have additionally the most valuable resource of all – the Word of God. If we believe and understand Him, and apply His Word as good stewards, we are a blessing to others and the value of what we do multiplies.

Have you buried your talents? Grab a shovel…

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  1. says

    Great post. Many times we are focused only our required tithe of 10% of our money…we forget that we also should be tithing in terms of our talents.
    .-= Kristi at Spend Less & Save More´s last blog ..30 Days- 30 Ways to Save- Hair Cuts =-.

  2. Khaleef @ KNS Financial says

    Great post! I think it can be easy to look at someone else’s gifts or abilities and begin to judge ourselves based on that. But as you said, we all have our own personalities, gifts and talents that should be used for the Lord’s honor!
    .-= Khaleef @ KNS Financial´s last blog ..CVS Paid us to Shop! – A look at a couple of this weeks money maker deals at CVS =-.

  3. Lessie (MyCouponLady) says

    Thank you so much for this reminder! I plan to post this article with a trackback to your site…Please let me know if that would be ok with you.

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