Faith & Finance: Giving

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When you think of giving in Biblical terms, what comes to mind?

The offering plate? Basket? Drop box?

Or perhaps your checkbook.

Actually, scripture reveals that tithing and giving are two very different things. The tithe is commanded. Giving is completely voluntary, and from the HEART.

There are approximately 2000 verses in the Old and New Testaments that speak of giving to the poor. Clearly this is an important topic for every believer to consider.

As this year’s 30 Day Giving Challenge approaches, I have been praying through, learning and studying scriptures on giving. One thing has stood out for me the most:

Giving is not about a number. Giving is about LOVE.

God has given us so much because of His great love for us. He wants us to give generously and cheerfully.

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. ~2 Corinthians 9:7

I recall my favorite Dave Ramsey quote: “Giving is the most fun you will ever have with your money”.

Are you having fun?

Join me as we further explore this topic here on the Faith & Finance series.


  1. says

    2 Cor 9: 6-15 has been a passage that goes right to my heart. In June of 2009, we began giving (on top of tithing) by way of sponsoring a child through Compassion International. At first, the thought of adding a $38 per month obligation to our budget was daunting. We have one modest income to support the 5 of us in our home. We soon learned that God’s word is true and not only were we still ok financially, but we were being blessed beyond measure in other ways.
    As our Compassion family has grown from 1 to 6 (soon to be 7), we are still more than ok financially and it has truly changed our lives. Not in some cliche, meaningless way, but quite literally it has changed our lives.
    Feel free to check out my blog, I post quite about about our journey with Compassion. Or you can check out their website:
    Michelle´s last blog post ..Even More Letter Writing Ideas

  2. Bethany Goff says

    When our income was cut in half about 8 years ago, I became a “receiver”. I thought that I could no longer give, because we had no money to give with. We still gave our tithe to God, but giving extra and giving to others became very rare. But in the Bible, people who were most praised for their giving were those who gave out of their poverty! It was kind of an exciting thing for me when I learned to give sacrificially, in my poverty! I had thought the only giving I could do was of my time and energy, but I learned to give even of my material possessions, and money, even though it seemed there was not enough money for my own family. God blesses when we give, and provides, and I have seen it happen!
    One wonderful way that I am able to give is through my coupons. I give some away to those who are too far to benefit from my own shopping, but mostly I use the coupons to get items for a few cents or free, even if I won’t use them, then give them to those who CAN use them! It’s an awfully easy way to give, but it sure blesses me, and those who receive it.
    Thank you, Alyssa, for all the ways that you provide us to save in order to give! 🙂

  3. says

    Perhaps my favorite thing about being part of the blogging community is when I LEARN something. I have always, always loved learning new things. Thank you so much for defining the difference between tithing and giving for me! It is something I never really took the time to think about before. Tithing makes my mind feel like I’m doing my part… giving makes my heart sing.
    JessieLeigh´s last blog post ..Menu Plan- 9-12- Still Trying to Like Healthy

  4. Grandma Patty Ann says

    Hi Alyssa and everyone visiting!

    I have come up with a question for you. I do not attend church at this time. I am wondering how I should tithe?

    I love you!
    Grandma Patty Ann
    Grandma Patty Ann´s last blog post ..Happy Grand Parents Day!

  5. says

    Thank you for showing the distinction between tithing and giving…I think a lot of people have it mixed up. Like Katie said…there are blessings for those who give even during hard or lean times. God is always faithful to His people!

    I can’t wait to learn more from your series and to do the 30 day giving challenge with you! 🙂
    Myra @ My Blessed Life´s last blog post ..Design Portfolio- Internship Project

  6. says

    I wish I can have more fun giving with money! LOL, But I do have fun giving of my time, resources and material possessions when I can. For instance, there’s a lady I just met and she needs a ride to take her daughter to school each day. Her youngest and my youngest attend the same school and I found out she lives on a street that I pass by every single day. It makes me feel good to be able to help someone in need. Although I need a lot of help (financially, etc.) it really burdens me if I can’t help other people.

    Giving is a very joyful thing. It’s satisfying, etc. I know that when we bless others we’ll be blessed, but I always think that when we bless others we open them up to be a blessing to someone else thus creating a circle of love, giving and blessings.

    Great post.
    Petula´s last blog post ..Volunteering for a good cause

  7. says


    Thank you for this great post! So many of us forget/don’t know the difference between giving and tithing. It’s important to remember to do both joyfully, as God gives to us.

    Our family is debt free now, PRAISE GOD!, and we have really been blessed by the opportunities to give God keeps opening for us. I highly encourage everyone to get out of debt-it only stifles our ability to be generous. Check out, a great, Bible-based non-profit organization devoted to teaching people why and how to get out of debt and start giving generously!

    Thanks again for your blog and for sharing God’s word to you.

    Gaby Swanson´s last blog post ..Banking Costs-What!

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