Do You Whrrl? My Day at Kroger

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I am somewhat of a gadget nerd.  My current gadget obsession happens to be my iPhone. {gasp}

I know, I know… SO not frugal.  But believe me when I say you get a LOT of bang for your buck with these puppies.  There are many fabulous apps that are completely free.  In fact, many apps can actually help you save money!

But that is for another post.  One of my favorite free iPhone apps is Whrrl. Whrrl is a social media application that allows you to create “stories”  through location, photos and text.

Are you still with me? Good.

You can actually create whrrl stories through any phone with a camera.  The stories can then be shared via Facebook, Twitter, or a blog. They are essentially like custom slide shows that are a snap to create.

So this morning, armed with my iPhone and my coupon binder, I hit the Kroger Double Coupon madness.  Whrrl is a quick and easy way to share my shopping experience!

Check out my story:

More stories at Kroger Super Double Coupon Day
Powered by Whrrl

As you can see, it was a successful shopping trip! I certainly hope Kroger has more double coupon events in the future!

Another really cool feature of Whrrl, is the ability to add friends to stories. So for example, if you have a whrrl account, and you have photos from today’s Kroger event, you could “join” my story and add photos.

Just imagine all the coupon love we could spread!

I encourage you to check out Whrrl for yourself.  “What’s your story?”


  1. Felicia says

    I have that same crockpot! I love it! You did awesome, I went to Kroger yesterday (didn’t have the super double coupons) and I forgot to upload my e-coupons to my card *gasp*
    .-= Felicia´s last blog ..Super Savings Saturday! =-.

  2. says

    It was lovely meeting you! I made it to Kroger at 6:30am which is pretty good for me. I ended up saving $36.00 and spent $91.00 after coupon discounts. Not as good as I’ve seen from others that hit up Kroger on Saturday but I’ll take it. I need to work on building up my coupon stash!
    I’ve subscribed and can’t wait to read through all your thrifty pointers. Hope that we meet again!
    Kendra :0)
    .-= Kendra @ Domestic Princess in Training´s last blog ..A Bit of THIS and a Bit of THAT =-.

  3. says

    I like the app. I still have my cheap “does nothing but call people” phone.

    Nice job at the grocery store. It drives me crazy when the store runs out of stuff. I’m even seeing not so good sale items running out. I think the profit margin at the grocery stores is so low they aren’t purchasing a lot of inventory. I went to the store last Sunday to buy bread and half the isle was empty. Are you seeing that where you are or is this a strange Connecticut thing?

  4. says

    LOVE the Whrrl story. Nice way to show us your trip.

    I wish I had been able to come with you 🙁 Maybe next time there is a big sale we can hit it together.

    Great savings! It would be nice if Kroger did this again soon!
    .-= Amy´s last blog ..Super Saturday Savings! =-.

  5. Betsy says

    I sure wish our Kroger did that! We have 2 grocery stores–Walmart and Kroger–neither feels much need to be too competitive. I get so jealous when I see the sales in other areas of the country!!! I never knew there was so much difference.

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