Wordless Wednesday: General Mills Eat & Greet

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Here are just a few of my favorite photos from last week’s adventure. It was a quick visit, but packed with activity.


The bloggers received a warm welcome at the General Mills World Headquarters by THE Pillsbury Doughboy.


I got my first glimpse of the Mississippi River from the roof top of the Mill City Museum.


Inside the fabulous Betty Crocker Kitchens (all 19 of them), we sampled new products and visited with brand representatives to share our thoughts.  Here I am checking out the ingredients in the new Yoplait Smoothie-in-bag product.

Colin was apparently bored, but I was loving the smoothies!  Ingredients: frozen fruit, and yogurt. Mmmmm…..


I begrudgingly posed with Trix and Lucky for this silly shot.  The loveable icons are actually not welcome in my home, since we are an artificial dye-free household (which I gladly shared with the brand reps).  However, I do love me some Cheerios, Chex (now gluten-free!), and Cascadian Farms organic cereals!


Colin had a comfy seat in this super neat-o swing from Graco, which was provided for the moms with babies at the event.  I had never seen a swing like this before!


And here’s the whole gang!  That is a LOT of bloggers in one really big kitchen! Can you spot me?


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