CVS $5 Challenge: March 7-13

This post may contain affiliate links. Read my disclosure policy here.

cvs-5-dollar-challengeWelcome, my fellow CVS fanatics and newbies! It’s Sunday, time for our weekly CVS $5 Challenge. The place to go for simple CVS scenarios with step-by-step instructions.

It is another decent week at CVS! All you need is an ExtraCare Card, a CVS ad, a printer and coupons to get started. Be sure to register your CVS loyalty card with Upromise for extra college savings.

Don’t forget you can grab a clickable CVS $5 Challenge Button for your post or blog.

If you are a first time visitor, here’s the lowdown:

Join me on Sundays as I host The CVS $5.00 Challenge!

Seasoned CVSers: share your best scenario(s) for the upcoming week at CVS.

Your budget: $5.00 out-of-pocket cash.

Your mission: To grow that $5.00 into even more ECBs to use in upcoming weeks.

Want to participate? Start by reading the rules here.


Here is MY $5 Scenario for the week of March 7th:
*coupons in red

Transaction #1
Buy (1) Nivea Lip Care @ $2.99
$1/1 Nivea Product (RP insert 02/07/10)

Total After Coupons = $1.99

ECBs earned=$2.99

Transaction #2
Buy 2 Pantene Shampoo or Conditoner @ 2/$6.97
$3/2 Pantene Product (P&G insert 03/07/10)
Pay with $2.99 ECBs from above

Total After Coupons and ECBs= $0.98

ECBs earned=$2.00

Transaction #3
Buy (1) Oral B Cross-Action Toothbrush $4.00
Select Oral B Toothbrushes (PG insert 02/07/10, or PG insert 02/21/10)
Pay with $2.00 ECBs from above

Total After Coupon & ECBs= $1.25

ECBs earned= $4.00

Grand Total OOP= $4.22

Total Value= $13.96 with $4.00 ECBs remaining

Keep rolling those ECBs for more savings!


Now let’s see what fabulous scenarios you come up with for around $5.00!

Simply post your scenarios on your blog, then drop by Keeping the Kingdom First and add your permalink to the Mr. Linky below.

Please link directly to your scenarios. Links directly to your homepage will be deleted. Linking back to this meme to share it with others is greatly appreciated!

Don’t have a blog? You can leave a comment with your scenario, too. I invite everyone to participate!


  1. belinda zicha says

    I am new here, and LOVE your sight. In addition to the many money isssues we all have these days, my daughter who has disabilities is on medications that are around 100-250 a month. I always find pharmacy coupons from CVS and competetors, and take them To CVS. They honor them. I am spending the money already, might as well get a free CVS gift card while I am at it. I now use my free gift card( anywhere from $10-$30) to pay for the $5.00 out of pocket challenge. 1 gift card can last a month! Thansk for all the tips!!! Please keep them coming! Belinda Zicha Plainfield, Illinois.

    • Alyssa Francis says

      Welcome, I am so glad you found my blog! Love that you have found a creative way to make the best out of a difficult situation. Keep on saving! 🙂

  2. Crystal Brothers says

    I LOVE your site and this challenge. It is so helpful for beginners. I had been saving a $5 ECB and I used it this week. I got some great deals! I can’t really participate in the $5 challenge because I started out w/ $5 ECB’s, but I would love it if you could check out my scenario. I am starting out and was really excited to spend $1.78 OOP (+ my $5 ECB) and end up with $31.27 in merchandise and $9.00 ECB’s remaining!

    Thanks so much for teaching me to do this and listing the match ups!
    .-= Crystal Brothers´s last blog ..I love CVS and Coupons!!! =-.

  3. Crystal Brothers says

    OKay, nevermind. I see that other people have used ECB’s starting out too, so I went ahead and added my link. I hope that’s okay.
    .-= Crystal Brothers´s last blog ..I love CVS and Coupons!!! =-.

  4. Betty says

    I’ve been working on the CVS challenge since this past summer but have never posted. This week was incredible so I thought I’d share. I did a total of 5 or 6 transactions but I’ll just share the first two.

    Transaction #1
    (2) Stayfree @ 3.99
    used 1 printable coupon and a BIGI coupon
    Total $3.39
    ECB =$4.00

    Transaction #2
    (1) Glt Venus Embrace Razor @6.00
    (1) Olay Ad W/ VIT Body Wash @$8.00
    used $2.00 off Razor coupon
    Buy a Razor get a Body Wash Free coupon
    used $4.00 ECB
    Total paid $ .75
    ECB $4.00

  5. Lori says

    Hey Alyssa,
    I am new to this whole world of ECB’s and couponing at drug stores. My problem every week has been beating all the other women in my town that apparently read the same blogs I do. The “good deals” are always sold out, even when I try to go the Sunday afternoon when they are released. The last 3 trips to either Walgreens or CVS they haven’t had the big “deal” item(s). Any tips on how to avoid being a day late and a dollar short? I got so disgusted this week that I have almost decided I need to just give it up, because apparently there are much better and speedier frugal shoppers out there. 🙂 Thanks! PS- love the blog!

    • Crystal Brothers says

      Lori, this may not help you with a specific scenario this week, but my CVS gives out rain checks, AND they even include the ECB offer on the rain check. I’ve been waiting for 2 weeks for them to get back some Huggies diapers.

      Also, is there a different store in your area? Some of the stores start their sales on Saturday nights, which may be why they are already sold out on SUnday.
      .-= Crystal Brothers´s last blog ..I love CVS and Coupons!!! =-.

  6. Brooke says

    I have a question about stacking coupons. I know we can use one coupon per item, but does that include coupons that are $/2? I have two Charmin coupons for $1/2. Would I be able to buy two packages of Charmin and use each coupon?

    Thanks for your help – with this question and with everything on the blog! 🙂

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