Cherish, Relish, and Other Wise Words

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Why, thank you for asking! I’ll be glad to tell you how our night went.

I tweeted this last night early this morning:

Sandwiched b/t 2 girls that sleep in funny directions. May not get much sleep but I will cherish every {sleepless} second! #ilovebeingamom

Little did I know what that would entail…

I spent the night being the filling between two very snug Oreo cookies. {Dare I say, “double stuff”???}


Both of my girls were THISCLOSE all.night.

Except during “The Tantrum.” And, that is when my little R proceeded to kick me and yell scream for her Daddy. Luckily, Daddy heard, and put all to rights, because that was not turning out to be my finest moment.

Anyone who might have witnessed this could say that I wasn’t cherishing much about last night. I mean, I wasn’t sleeping, my kids were giving me bruises and possibly trying to smother me; it certainly didn’t look anything close to cherishing.

But, as I look back on the events of the night, I was cherishing each and every moment. No, the moments weren’t all perfect, but they were cherish-able.

Cherishing does not equal perfection; it does not even mean you will be happy and smiling the entire time.

No, cherishing is relishing; relishing the fact that you are where you are.

And I relished the fact that I was smack-dab between two of the greatest kiddos in the world. I relished the fact that I am their mom.

What can you relish today?

Photo credit: kwwsaing


  1. says

    Girl, I can so identify!! ha ha Except I am not usually sandwiched between two – just smothered by one! Ah, the joys of motherhood! I try to always remind my {sleep-deprived} self that there will come a day when my Little Bit is all grown up like his big bro and there will be no more Mommy-smothering!
    .-= Mandy Roberson´s last blog ..A New Adventure =-.

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