Dave Ramsey Seminar: In Review

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On Saturday, Hubz and I went to The Potter’s House church in Dallas to see Dave Ramsey in his Total Money Makeover: Live! seminar.  We have gone through his Total Money Makeover booka few times (I actually read through it twice a year), but we have never seen him in person.  Unfortunately, we do not get his show on Fox Business or his live radio show, so we do not get the “Dave experience” very often.  As you can imagine, this was a treat for me, especially.

Holy smokes that place was packed!  9,000 people came to hear Dave Ramsey!  If any of them came in “normal,” hopefully they left, “normal no more!”
You see, Dave is a “weird” guy.  He has NO debt.  At all.  He was a millionaire in his twenties, lost it all, and is now a millionaire again.  What an incredible testimony he has!  He preaches,

If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else.

What he means is, if you will give up things that hold you back (your expensive car, cable/satellite, boats, etc) now, and pay off your debt now; later you will be able to have better things… when you are no longer a slave to your debt.

“The man of wealth has rule over the poor, and he who gets into debt is a servant to his creditor.” Proverbs 22:7
Did you know that you don’t need a FICO score???  I sure didn’t!  I have actually worried about my FICO score lately.  What a blessing it is to find out that it does not amount to {insert country twang} “a hill of beans.”
So.  You are in debt and you want out.  Where do you start?
You start at the beginning: with much prayer and honest confession.  Lay it all out to God.  You feel as if you have misused His money, and you want that to change.  Hey… it isn’t easy!  I’ve been there (more than once, actually)!  I have prayed that prayer so many times, I have lost count.  It is nothing to be ashamed of, because you are correcting your mistakes.
“Come to me, all ye who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”  Mathew 11:28
It does not mean there will not be consequences to our actions, because there are always consequences.  But, one of the positive consequences will be a clean heart.  Another will be the will to start fresh.  And one day, a consequence of your actions will be NO DEBT!
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”  Mathew 6:21
Doesn’t it feel good to let God into our lives???  When we give Him control, things begin to fall into place.
Now, you have prayed and confessed.  (BTW, the praying doesn’t stop here!)  The next step is to start an Emergency Fund.  Get $1000 saved NOW.  You want the $1000 to be easily accessible, but do not attach it to your checking account (trust me, I know), because it is way too easy to transfer funds.
For the next step, and every one thereafter, you need to get ahold of Dave’s Total Money Makeover.  You need to read it for yourself.  It is chock full of incredible testimonies and Dave’s plan to get you financially fit.
All in all, the day was wonderful.  I still cannot believe how quickly the 5 hours went by!  I was shocked to look at my watch an realize it was almost 6:00!
Hubz and I had a wonderful time together.  Another bonus was getting to meet Alyssa, a fellow blogger and Twitter bud.  She is as sweet as she can be.  We had a really nice time together.  You can read her Dave recap here.
I didn’t get to meet Dave, but I came close, as you can see 🙂
Hubz and I are determined to become debt free asap.  It was awesome seeing Dave jump around on stage and get excited.  You can really see his heart… he sincerely wants everyone to be debt free.
One more thing… if you want to see what Dave’s got going on right now, you need to check out his FREE event, Town Hall for Hope.


  1. Britt says

    Love love love this book! And I’m so jealous that you got to go and I had to stay home 🙁 Glad you had a good time though…you look so cute!! I miss you!

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