Prepping for Church Camp

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So, I’m getting our family ready to go to church camp this week.

Falls Creek, our first year

Actually, I’m getting 4 of us ready to go to camp; Meleah is staying here. I have enough going on without keeping up with that little sweetie!

This will be our ministry’s (Shane’s and mine) 7th camp to lead.

It is amazing how quickly time flies.

7 years ago, we were green.

And, I don’t mean green, I mean GREEN.

Shane had just been placed in the youth pastor role in May 2004. Late May.

Camp was the last week in July.

Abby Grace was 2-and-a-half months old.

Abby Grace

I was still a new mom.

I can honestly say I do not remember that week at all.

It was so crazy, and such a blur.

Thankfully, we had good help. Our cooks felt sorry for us (I’m sure) and took great care of us. Our students were really good for us, too. Well, at least from what I can remember! Ha!

But, we survived and have thrived.

Now, we are old hands, but there are plenty of “new” things that crop up every year to keep us on our toes.

One year, we had over 20 injuries, including kidney stones, stitches, a badly sprained ankle, and gallbladder issues. Oh, and that year, I was also one month pregnant.

And believe me, that only scratches the surface of that week!

Luckily, we have not had one of “those” weeks again, and despite all of the “bad” stuff, we always have a good time.

We love where we are and what we do… and it is a privilege to be serving in this capacity.

Remind me of how blessed I felt today when I return home sleep-deprived on Saturday, m’kay?!


  1. Rachel Harrelson says

    Wow! I remember FC 7 years ago. We all were green. 😉 But we made it and look where we are now! Wish I could be there with you this week again but know I am praying for you all. Love you!

    • says

      I’m glad you remember it, lol! I do remember I could not have done it without you 🙂 I think you were the only one I allowed to carry Abby Grace up and down those horrid stairs at Norman Cabin. I think we also sang in the choir because David was leading worship…. and it was the night they decided to “film” some stuff, so we were in that stuffy choir loft for what felt like hours.

      And remember the year I was barely pregnant with Reese? Your mom made toast for me every morning! She totally guessed that I was pregnant. Moms just know I guess!

      I do miss having you by my side, but I appreciate your prayers sooooo much! They mean a lot! Love you, friend!

  2. Rebecca W says

    I loved Falls Creek when I was a kid! We lived in Oklahoma City so every summer I’d go to church camp with my youth group…good memories!!! Now, my husband is stationed in GA so I no longer go to Falls Creek but I do miss it! Have fun!

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