Recently, a friend and I went to a retreat specifically for ministry wives. It is the first of its kind that I had ever attended, and I truly enjoyed it!
Our keynote speaker was Lori Merrill, founder of Keeper’s Ministry. Until this retreat, I had not heard of her, nor her ministry. I had been searching for a Bible study that would fit my current life situation. Selfish, yes, but it was desperately needed!
Not only was Lori a dynamic, yet down-to-earth and relatable speaker, she had her Bible study there for purchase. After flipping through it a bit, I realized it was exactly what I needed for this season.
My friend also bought one, and we have been working through the Bible study together. She is local to me, but we are both exceptionally busy: she is our pastor’s wife, and works outside the home; I am homeschooling full-time, and it is an all-day thing. Getting together face-to-face on a regular basis is not feasible, so we came up with a solution: Marco Polo.
Marco Polo is an app for your phone that is basically a “video walkie-talkie.” You can send short videos back and forth, to one friend or to a group of friends. It has been a quite effective way for us to share our take-backs from this Bible study!
So what is the fuss about this Bible study? Called to be a Keeper is a study of Proverbs 31:10-31 and Titus 2:3-5. The overview is the study teaches women – moms and/or wives (this is not just for moms!) – about the incredible call that our Father has given every woman. The study is incredibly in-depth and has five studies per week. There is also an option for a DVD study, and you can do a group study or individually. Some days are so deep, my friend and I have taken two days to do one. We are working through the study more slowly than the book says, but that is what works for us. You can tailor it to your lifestyle.
Called to be a Keeper defines what being a wife and/or mom looks like, and guides you through specific Scriptures that detail our calling. Lori writes in a kind, relatable way, and the Scriptures she shares fit the calling of a “keeper” well. Whether you are a working (outside or inside the home) wife or mom, and no matter how you choose to school your children, this Bible study works for all women.
If you a wife or mom, and are looking for a life-changing Bible study, Called to be a Keeper is a winner. Get ready for your life (and self image) to be wrecked – in a good way!
This post is not sponsored in any way. I just happen to love this Bible study, and I wanted to share!
Wow! Somehow I came across this review this morning. Thank you so much for sharing. Love how the Lord used this in your life!
Just wanted to share with you that the Keepers Ministry is retiring this year. So the Called to be a Keeper Bible study will no longer be available. After 20 years, we believe it’s time. Anyway, if you are interested everything was marked down in the shop to 20-40% off this week. Feel free to let people know as all items will no longer be available after the website shuts down. Blessings, Lori