Blissdom 2013 {Recap}

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I’m not one to really get all sappy about things, but it has taken me a few weeks to gather my thoughts about Blissdom. And while I wasn’t impressed with most of the sessions, I really didn’t go for that, so it wasn’t a big deal. Cam was a great date, and I was blessed to spend time with longtime friends and meet new friends.


We stayed at the beautiful Gaylord Texan, and they were more than accommodating.

It was the first blogging conference I have been able to attend since Blissdom 2010. Yes, it has been three years! I definitely needed some bloggy time; there is something about being around people who “get” me that soothes a distinct part of my soul.

My favorite parts of the conference, after hanging with other bloggers, were the keynotes from Scott Stratten and Jon Acuff. To make it even more awesome, we received Scott’s book and a pre-release of Jon Acuff’s Starter. I cannot wait to dive into both of these! The coffee, provided by Seattle’s Best and Gevalia was also a highlight for me. Yes, I am a coffee junkie, and having good black coffee is vital to my sanity.

2013_3_Blissdom_JohanHaha, Cam tried to get Johan’s coffee!

A few things I took away from the conference was to not be afraid to finish. My fear of finishing leads to editing myself, another bad habit. I tend to have a great idea and then sit on it, editing myself, and the idea never comes to fruition.

I am a type-A, worrier-planner, which means I always plan for the worst. I don’t like to be disappointed, so by planning for the worst, I’m prepared. Fear leads to editing, which leads to planning for the worst; I don’t have to tell you this is a vicious cycle. And this doesn’t just apply to work; it can be seen in my personal life, as well.


Cam was definitely my good luck charm because I won a year’s supply of Seattle’s Best Coffee, a pair of Bebe sunglasses, and a Keurig. Insane, right?

And of course, I heard from my girls while I was gone. I received a few teary text messages both evenings.


All in all, it was a good weekend, and it was a break my bloggy heart desperately needed.

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