A {Friday} Day in the Life

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It’s been two months since I did a “Day in the Life,” and I thought I would do another one. Amazingly enough, our days are a bit different, even a few short months later.

11 pm on Thursday – Cam wakes up to nurse. I awaken at 2 am to find that I have fallen asleep and my side is coated in drool.

2:01 am – Cam protests at being laid down, so to his daddy he goes.

2:20 am – Cam decides he is not going to be happy until he nurses.

2:30 am – Finished nursing. He stays with his daddy, who is now settled in the recliner. Back to sleep we go.

7:30 am – I wake up (yes, that is 5 glorious hours of uninterrupted sleep… for all of us!), feed Cam, have my first cup of coffee, and wash my hair. The girls eat breakfast and watch a few episodes of She-ra. We kick it old school around here.


8:35 am – We begin school while I nurse Cam.

9:35 am – I nurse Cam again and lay him down for a nap. I’m crossing my fingers he will stay asleep in his crib.

10:25 am – Cam is awake. He slept about 25 minutes. It’s better than nothing, I suppose. As soon as I pick him up, he spits up all over both of us. It’s bad enough we both have to change clothes.

11:30 am – We finish up school by the girls drawing pictures for one another and mailing them. It’s fun practicing writing our address!

11:36 am – Nursing again while I check email. He is trying to nod off. Again.

11:45 am – Cam and I head to the living room to stuff diapers, fold towels, put away the pile of clean clothes that is growing by the day. The girls finish their pictures and we set them out to be mailed. The girls begin their weekly chores. We are using Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Junior (more on that soon!), and they are excited about earning money for doing extra work around the house.

12:20 pm – Cam gets fussy in his jumper (he played in that thing for 35 minutes, y’all!) so we had a little dance party.

12:25 pm – Shane comes home for lunch and I get back to folding and putting clothes away. I remind myself that I have a skype meeting with Jen at 2 pm. I sure hope I don’t forget it!

1:40 pm – I head to the bedroom to nurse Cam and rock him to sleep. The last hour has been very productive, with the folded towels and most of the clothes being put away, the bathroom getting cleaned, swept and mopped (by Reese), my bedroom mostly picked up and the sheets changed (by me), the living room dusted (by Abby Grace), the kitchen swept (by Meleah) and then mopped (by Abby Grace). Whew!

4:30 pm – The last few hours have been spent snuggling with a sleepy babe and working. The girls have played nicely in their room.

4:45 pm – Shane arrives home, and I nurse Cam before heading to the grocery store to get cupcakes for Reese’s birthday party tomorrow.

6:00 pm – I’m home, and instead of buying ingredients for cupcakes, I brought home cupcakes from the grocery store bakery. Yes, yes I did.

6:30 pm – We eat supper in the living room while watching a movie. Hey, it’s the day before Reese’s party; we decided to begin celebrating early!

8:30 pm – The girls get tucked in and Cam and I settle in to nurse before bed.

9:30 pm – Cam is asleep and tucked in his bed. I wash my face and get ready for bed myself. Shane and I actually sneak in a little bit of uninterrupted talk before we turn in. {Amazingly enough, it is going to be 12:10 am before Cambo wakes up to nurse again!}

And that was our day! Somehow, I neglected to take very many pictures. Mommy brain, much?! 😉

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