Another Life Lesson

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Once again, I am stepping out of my comfort zone and doing something that would seem totally out of character to many who know me.

In reality, it is not completely out of character, as many changes to my thinking have taken place in the last year.

Believe it or not, I am not one to go around quoting Scripture to make one feel better; it just isn’t me. It has nothing to do with my faith or belief in the power of Scripture, but I just tend to keep my mouth shut and my prayers silent. {Yes, I know… it’s amazing that I do know how to keep my mouth shut sometimess…}

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Phillippians 4:6

And I have. I asked for peace, and He gave it. I presented my request and my anxiety to him, and He gave me comfort.  Silently, of course.

And, for now, my heart beats at a normal rhythm.


  1. says

    You may not be one to quote scripture, but today, I am glad you did. I have been anxious about a decision that has to be made at work. I have prayed about it for the last 3 days and finally came to a decision with God’s help. Now I need the conviction of spirit and another little judge from Him to convince my counterparts that I have made the right decision.
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..Scrappy Canvas– Initial =-.

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